Image and Video Analysis

Evaggelos Spyrou was born in Athens, Greece in 1979, but lived and finished high-school in Lamia, Greece. In September 1998 he begun his studies at the School of Electrical and Computers Engineering (ECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and received his diploma in November 2003, specializing in Telecommunications. He has been with Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory (IVML) since January 2004, working as a researcher and developer. In October 2004 he was accepted as a PhD candidate at the IVML of ECE-NTUA, in the field of Semantic Image and Video Analysis. His thesis, entitled "Semantic Search of Audiovisual Content using Knowledge", was completed in November 2009. His current research interests lie in the areas of semantic multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval, low-level feature extraction and modeling, visual context modeling, multimedia content representation neural networks and intelligent systems. From May 2010 to January 2011 he served his military service in the Department of Telecommunications of the Greek Ministry of Defense as an Analyst and Computer Programmer.

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