ivl 679
Todo List

Member ivl::__attribute__ ((unused)) struct max_impl

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Put this in a cpp file

Member ivl::padarray (const array_nd< T, D > &in, size_array sz, padarray_method mthd, padarray_direction dir=both)
move to correct place, document, etc

Member ivl::padarray (const array_nd< T, D > &in, size_array sz, T padval=0, padarray_direction dir=both)
move to correct place, document, etc

Member ivl::padarray_direction

Member var
when array is removed, fix it
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