ivl 679
image< T, OPTS > Member List
This is the complete list of members for image< T, OPTS >, including all inherited members.
black() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
blur_no_scale(const image< T, D > &a, int neighbourhood_rows=0, int neighbourhood_cols=3)image< T, OPTS > [related]
channels() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
circle(double_point< 2 > a, double radius, color_type col=ivl::white< T, rgb >(), double thickness=1.5, double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
col(size_t row, size_t col) const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
col(size_t row, size_t col)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
col(const const_iterator &it) const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
col(const best_iterator &it)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
color_type typedefimage< T, OPTS >
cols() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
const_pixel typedefimage< T, OPTS >
edges(const image< T, D > &a, double threshold1, double threshold2, int aperture_size=3)image< T, OPTS > [related]
ellipse(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, double radius, color_type col=ivl::white< T, rgb >(), double thickness=1.5, double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
ellipse(double_point< 2 > c, double radius1, double radius2, double angle, color_type col=ivl::white< T, rgb >(), double thickness=1.5, double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
fill_ellipse(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, double radius, color_type col=ivl::white(ivl::color_type< T, rgb >()), double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
fill_ellipse(double_point< 2 > c, double radius1, double radius2, double angle, color_type col=ivl::white(ivl::color_type< T, rgb >()), double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
fill_quad(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, double_point< 2 > c, double_point< 2 > d, color_type col=ivl::white(ivl::color_type< T, rgb >()), double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
fill_rect(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, color_type col=ivl::white(ivl::color_type< T, rgb >()), double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
fill_triangle(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, double_point< 2 > c, color_type col=ivl::white(ivl::color_type< T, rgb >()), double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
flipud(const image< T, D > &a)image< T, OPTS > [related]
get_pixel(double_point< 2 > a)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
get_quadrange_sub_pix(const image< T, D > &a, const array_2d< double > &map_matrix, const size_array &dst_size=idx(0, 0))image< T, OPTS > [related]
grayscale(const image< T, D > &a)image< T, OPTS > [related]
height() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image()image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(size_t rows, size_t cols, size_t channels=(!N?3:N))image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(size_t rows, size_t cols, size_t channels, const T &value)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(size_t rows, size_t cols, size_t channels, const array< J, D > &a)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const array< size_t, S > &sz)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const array< size_t, S > &sz, const T &value)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const array< size_t, S > &sz, const T *ptr)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const array< size_t, S > &sz, const data_init_arg &data)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const array< size_t, S > &sz, const array< J, D > &a)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const std::string &filename, image_channels channels=ic_auto)image< T, OPTS >
image(const iplimage_t *ipl)image< T, OPTS >
image(const array_nd< J, S > &a)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(array_nd< J, S > &a)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
image(const this_type &a)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
ipl() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
laplace(const image< T, D > &a, int aperture_size=3)image< T, OPTS > [related]
line(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, color_type col=ivl::white< T, rgb >(), double thickness=1.5, double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
operator=(const iplimage_t *src)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
operator=(iplimage_t *src)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
pre_corner_detect(const image< T, D > &a, int aperture_size=3)image< T, OPTS > [related]
put_pixel(double_point< 2 > a, color_type col=ivl::white< T, rgb >())image< T, OPTS > [inline]
pyramid_up(const image< T, D > &a)image< T, OPTS > [related]
rect(double_point< 2 > a, double_point< 2 > b, color_type col=ivl::white< T, rgb >(), double thickness=1.5, double opacity=1.)image< T, OPTS > [inline]
resample(const image< T, D > &a, size_t rows, size_t cols, interpolation interp=linear)image< T, OPTS > [related]
rotate(const image< T, D > &a, double angle, const float_point< 2 > &center, double scale=1.0, interpolation interp=linear, warp_method warp_m=fill_outliers, color< T, D::Ch > fill_color=ivl::black(color_type< T, rgb >()))image< T, OPTS > [related]
rows() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
show(const image< T, D > &im1, const char *title1, const image< T, D > &im2=image< T, D >(), const char *title2=NULL, const image< T, D > &im3=image< T, D >(), const char *title3=NULL, const image< T, D > &im4=image< T, D >(), const char *title4=NULL, const image< T, D > &im5=image< T, D >(), const char *title5=NULL)image< T, OPTS > [related]
sobel(const image< T, D > &a, int y_order, int x_order, int aperture_size=3)image< T, OPTS > [related]
view(const image< T, D > &img, const char *title)image< T, OPTS > [related]
width() const image< T, OPTS > [inline]
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