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G. Stratogiannis, A. Vlachostergiou, G. Siolas, G. Caridakis, Ph. Mylonas, A. Stafylopatis, S. Kollias
User and home appliances pervasive interaction in a sensor driven Smart Home environment: the SandS approach
10th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, November 5-6, 2015, Trento, Italy.
EU FIRE research project Social and Smart aims to formalize and build a complete ecosystem of users, context sensors and smart home appliances that interact following the ubiquitous computing paradigm in order to adapt and enhance the everyday user-appliance interaction. In this framework a user is modeled through the use of Personas stereotypes. Contextual information is collected via wireless ambient sensors, such as temperature and humidity ones, but can also include Smart City sensors and services. This contextual information is further related to each user's model through the enforcement of home rules, expressed in a high level language. Knowledge representation is supported through Semantic Web technologies that also ensure the interoperability between all the actors of the ecosystem. Preliminary experimental results have been carried in a small scale Smart Home setting, but also in a larger scale using the FIWARE(http://www.fiware.org/) framework provided by the SmartSandander testbed.
05 November , 2015
G. Stratogiannis, A. Vlachostergiou, G. Siolas, G. Caridakis, Ph. Mylonas, A. Stafylopatis, S. Kollias, "User and home appliances pervasive interaction in a sensor driven Smart Home environment: the SandS approach", 10th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, November 5-6, 2015, Trento, Italy.
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