Image and Video Analysis

World Cities Dataset

World Cities dataset consists of 2,226,414 geo-tagged images from 40 cities, crawled from Flickr using geographic queries covering a window of each city center.

Particularly the dataset includes images from Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Cape Town, Caracas, Chicago, Copenhagen, Delhi, Dortmund, Dubai, Dublin, Edinburgh, Florence, Havana, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Jakarta, Krakow, Lima, Lisbon, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, New York, Paris, Petersburgh, Prague, Rome, Sheffield, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, Venice and Vienna.

Sample images from the World Cities distractor set.

Dataset Rights

The World Cities dataset consists of images downloaded from Flickr. Use of these images must respect the corresponding terms of use.


If you use the World Cities dataset please cite our ICCV paper shown below.


Frequently, some of the images are moved amongst Flickr servers. We periodically update the list of URLs replacing broken links with the current ones.

Annotated set of landmark scene images (927 images, 117.5 MB) - same as the landmark test set of the European Cities 1M dataset

Queries - same as the landmark queries of the European Cities 1M dataset

Distractor images ( 2.2M images, 26.7 MB) [ Last update 25 October 2011 ]


G. Tolias, Y. Avrithis. Speeded-up, Relaxed Spatial Matching. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2011), Barcelona, Spain, November 2011.
[ Abstract ]
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