K-Space is a network of leading research teams from academia and industry conducting integrative research and dissemination activities in semantic inference for automatic and semi-automatic annotation and retrieval of multimedia content. K-Space exploits the complementary expertise of project partners, enables resource optimization and fosters innovative research in the field. The aim of K-Space research is to narrow the gap between low-level content descriptions that can be computed automatically by a machine and the richness and subjectivity of semantics in high-level human interpretations of audiovisual media: The Semantic Gap. Specifically, K-Space integrative research focus on three areas: - Content-based multimedia analysis: Tools and methodologies for low-level signal processing, object segmentation, audio/speech processing and text analysis, and audiovisual content structuring and description. Knowledge extraction: Building of a multimedia ontology infrastructure, knowledge acquisition from multimedia content, knowledge-assisted multimedia analysis, context based multimedia mining and intelligent exploitation of user relevance feedback.Semantic multimedia: knowledge representation for multimedia, distributed semantic management of multimedia data, semantics-based interaction with multimedia and multimodal media analysis. An objective of the Network is to implement an open and expandable framework for collaborative research based on a common reference system. Specific dissemination objectives of K-Space include:To disseminate the technical developments of the network across the broad research community.To boost technology transfer to industry and contribute to related standardisation activities.
Knowledge Space of semantic inference for automatic annotation and retrieval of multimedia content
FP6 (EU)
Contract Number: FP6 - 027026 Consortium: QMUL, Uni Ko-Ld, JRS, CERTH, DCU, CWI, GET, INA, EURECOM, GU, DFKI, TUB, EPFL, UEP Budget/Duration: € 18M/36months (2006-2008) URL: http://kspace.qmul.net |