Image and Video Analysis

Visual Asset

International Cooperation in Industrial Research and Development Activities in a Pre-Competitive Phase - Analysis, information extraction and management of multimedia documents

The main scope of the proposed framework is the development of innovative analysis techniques, export of semantic information and management of multimedia content in general and multimedia documents in particular. The proposed system, called Visual Asset, will be constituted by a number of distinguishable subsystems that will undertake the different stages of processing, analysis, storage and access to content provided by multimedia documents (texts, images, video, audio and 3D representations) and are summarized in the following: * Image and video processing subsystem aiming at automatic export of low level characteristics (color, texture, form, movement, speed, etc) and export of characteristic parts of objects (object segmentation) (e.g. segmentation of persons in a video sequence). These results will be used in the system integrating visual and textual information via the use of ontologies, but also in the effective search and retrieval system, based on visual information. * Integration of visual and textual information subsystem. Object of this subsystem will be representation of knowledge with use of ontologies, analysis of multimedia content based on visual and textual and production of metadata with a common way of representation, regarding both textual and visual information. * Modeling and logical analysis of documents subsystem, aiming at automatic categorization and creation of effective search and retrieval applications, providing advanced functionalities in organization and management of big document volumes. The subsystem will integrate visual and textual information results and will use the notion of context in a document in order to fulfill the tasks of automatic categorization, logical analysis (table of contents, automatic recognition of chapters, titles, notes, reports in images, video, etc) and efficient search and retrieval.

Framework: SP6 (National)
Contract Number: 03DSBEPRO - 44
Budget/Duration: € 373.7K/30months (2004-2007)