Image and Video Analysis

Knowledge Technologies and Access to Audiovisual Information

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, November 2009.

The main research area of this Ph.D thesis, in a broad sense, is the integration of knowledge technologies into the analysis and description of multimedia. Knowledge technologies can aid computer vision tasks towards the improvement of the understanding of visual content, by exploiting a priori knowledge in algorithms of semantic image and video analysis. More specifically, we examine the problem of image and video segmentation and we propose novel techniques for the detection, extraction, recognition and tracking of objects, based on semantic and visual criteria. We propose a semantic segmentation approach, which enhances region growing algorithms with semantic characteristics, in order to deal with problems that raise from the shortcoming of describing semantic entities by visual characteristics exclusively. Moreover, we propose a structured knowledge framework, which we call visual logics, based on description logics and their fuzzy extensions, to link visual data with concepts that form the vocabulary of a domain. We use a set of axioms and a reasoning engine to infer possible semantic interpretation of parts or the whole of an image.

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