Image and Video Analysis

Locally Optimized Product Quantization

We present a simple vector quantizer that combines low distortion with fast search and apply it to approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search in high dimensional spaces. Leveraging the very same data structure that is used to provide non-exhaustive search, i.e. inverted lists or a multi-index, the idea is to locally optimize an individual product quantizer (PQ) per cell and use it to encode residuals. Local optimization is over rotation and space decomposition; interestingly, we apply a parametric solution that assumes a normal distribution and is extremely fast to train. With a reasonable space and time overhead that is constant in the data size, we set a new state-of-the-art on several public datasets, including a billion-scale one.


Figure 1. Four quantizers of $64$ centroids each, trained on a random set of 2D points, following a mixture distribution. (c) and (d) also reorder dimensions, which is not shown in 2D

$K$-means, depicted in Fig. 1(a), is a vector quantization method where by specifying $k$ centroids, $\log_2 k$ bits can represent an arbitrary data point in $\mathcal{R}^d$ for any dimension $d$; but naive search is $O(dk)$ and low distortion means very large $k$. By constraining centroids on an axis-aligned, $m$-dimensional grid, Product Quantization (PQ) [1] achieves $k^m$ centroids keeping search at $O(dk)$; but as illustrated in Fig. 1(b), many of these centroids remain without data support, e.g. if the distributions on $m$ subspaces are not independent.

Optimized Product Quantization (OPQ) [2] allows the grid to undergo arbitrary rotation and re-ordering of dimensions to better align to data and balance their variance across subspaces to match bit allocation that is also balanced. But as shown in Fig. 1(c), a strongly multi-modal distribution may not benefit from such alignment.

Our solution in this work is locally optimized product quantization (LOPQ). Following a quite common search option, a coarse quantizer is used to index data by inverted lists, and residuals between data points and centroids are PQ-encoded. But within-cell distributions are largely unimodal; hence, as in Fig. 1(d), we locally optimize an individual product quantizer per cell. Under no assumptions on the distribution, practically all centroids are supported by data, contributing to a lower distortion.


[1] Jegou et al.. Product quantization for nearest neighbor search. PAMI, 2011.
[2] Ge et al.. Optimized product quantization for approximate nearest neighbor search. CVPR, 2013.
[3] Babenko and Lempitsky. The inverted multi-index. CVPR, 2012.

Local Optimization

If $\mathcal{Z}$ is the set of residuals of data points quantized to some cell and $|\mathcal{C}^j| = k$ for $j \in \mathcal{M} = \{ 1, \dots, m \}$, we locally optimize both space decomposition and sub-quantizers per cell, using OPQ: % \begin{equation} \begin{array}{rl} \mathrm{minimize} & {\displaystyle \sum_{\mathbf{z} \in \mathcal{Z}} \min_{\hat{\mathbf{c}} \in \hat{\mathcal{C}}} \| \mathbf{z} - R\hat{\mathbf{z}} \|^2} \\ \mathrm{subject\ to} & \hat{\mathcal{C}} = \mathcal{C}^1 \times \dots \times \mathcal{C}^m \\ & R^{T}R = I, \end{array} \label{eq:opt} \end{equation}

Parametric solution: Assuming a normal distribution, minimize the theoretical lower distortion bound as a function of $R$ alone via PCA alignment and eigenvalue allocation. Sub-quantizer optimization follows as in PQ.

Residual distributions are closer to normal, so parametric solution fits better to LOPQ.

Indexing & Searching

Figure 2. Multi-LOPQ

Experiments on 1 Billion SIFT vectors

SIFT1B with $64$-bit codes, $K = 2^{13} = 8192$ and $w=64$. For Multi-D-ADC, $K = 2^{14}$ and $T=100$K.

SIFT1B with $128$-bit codes and $K = 2^{13} = 8192$ (resp. $K = 2^{14}$) for single index (resp. multi-index). For IVFADC+R and LOPQ+R, $m'=8$, $w=64$. &

Overhead on top of IVFADC (resp. Multi-D-ADC):


Optimized source code for LOPQ is not publicly available. All resources found below are for demonstrative purposes and do not follow the exact search methodology presented in the paper. For fast and scalable ANN search with LOPQ, one may modify Artem's excellent implementation of the inverted multi-index.

Source code in MATLAB and C++ can be found here. This code is for demonstrative purposes only. Precomputing projections for all queries is only done to facilitate parameter tuning and is suboptimal.

Source code in Python with distributed training in Spark can be found here.



Y. Kalantidis, Y. Avrithis. Locally Optimized Product Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2014), Columbus, Ohio, June 2014.
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